Mike’s Blog Test

Last month Google ended a blog management tool called Feed Burner. Unfortunately, I was using it. I also have two RSS feeds going to Amazon and Goodreads. I think those two are still in place. This test will tell me if they are. In a complicated series of events, I also had the blog going out via MailChimp. I’m hoping that MailChimp will take over what Feed Burner was doing. Again, this will tell me if I am right..

However, you are not interested in my technology problems, so let me update you on the progress of Retribution and Insurrection. Retribution has been completed and sent to design. I have planned a launch date for November 7th. It is now up to the design team to get the book ready for submission to the printers.

I have started some promotion work and completed a short video (about 40 sec) featuring Wizzy. For the first time, you will see the actual caricature that I used to describe the quirky AI’s avatar. Is it what you had in your mind? You may have to wait about 30 sec for the video to load from YouTube.

Meanwhile, I have taken up Insurrection again and am clearing out most of the comments from Tammy’s edit. Tammy, by the way, has been a blessing these past years, and I am sorry to see her move on. She wants to get back to writing again, and editing at her usual pace will not allow it. Many thanks to her for all her help.

I hope this reaches you all. Let me know if you see this. If not, my IT guy and I will be having a LONG chat.

Thanks for your patience.

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