Crucible Wins First Place

Crucible: Records of the Argos just won First Place in adult fiction from the North Texas Book Festival. It was quite a surprise given that there was no category for Science Fiction. To be fair, the book tied for first along with Kimberly Packard’s Dire’s Club. Interestingly, we were both told that our judging scores were perfect—the first time that has ever happened in the festival’s history.

This book was a challenge in more than one sense. It was the first time I used first person. The cast of characters (except one) were different from previous books. The area of space was completely different as were the species involved.

Writing books is more than a one-person task. My thanks to author CJ Peterson, who pointed me to this opportunity over a year ago. Also, thanks to my Beta readers, Mike Peterson, Jim Aldrich and Carl Johnson.

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