More Edits

Another step in the process was completed on July 29th and August 1st when I sent the second drafts of Future Discovered and Immortal Guardian back to the editor. I got the editors comments on Future Discovered a week after submission, and it was better than the first edit! Even so, she made 125 substantive comments and over a thousand word and line edits.  Since this stage was new to me in fiction, I looked at every word and line edit and decided that next time I will just accept them across the board. Too tedious to look at each one only to find that she made good choices each time.

Then Lynne and I took something of a break and went to Corpus Christi for four days to fish and relax. Only fished two days. Did pretty good on the first day, 17 fish but less so on the second day with only 7! We then decided it was too hot to continue so we stayed in the house and did some work.

I brought the substantive comments down from 125 to only 24. Of course those 24 are the hardest to correct. My biggest fault in this edit was having more than one character point of view (POV) in a scene. Turns out that is a no no.  I figured this out in my re-write of Immortal Guardian, but not in time obviously for the first book.

I should get Immortal Guardian back from the editor on the 12th or 13th and then I can start all over! I also have that book out to Beta readers until the end of the month. Then I get to send them both back for copy editing (I told you there’s a lot of editing) before book and cover design. My Beta readers, by the way, have been terrific!

So far the schedule seems to be holding and, fingers crossed, publication of both in Jan or Feb.

As I said in previous posts, writing is the fun part, editing and re-write suck!

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